Ramesh Chintala
Vice President, Dallas, TX
Ramesh S. Chintala, PE, CFM, BC.WRE, leads Texas area operations with primary responsibility for growing WEST’s presence in Texas. Mr. Chintala has over 25 years’ experience managing and directing a wide variety of water resources engineering and planning projects throughout the United States. He is registered as a professional engineer in California and Texas and is a credentialed diplomate of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers. His experience includes flood studies, hydraulic modeling and design, watershed master planning, fluvial geomorphology, and stream stabilization projects.
Mr. Chintala has been extensively involved with FEMA floodplain mapping projects and programs. He directed the FEMA Region VI Regional Management Center operations in Denton, TX for the implementation of the Flood Map Modernization Program (MapMod) in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and New Mexico. In this role, he led numerous flood insurance studies (FIS); provided accreditation support for levee systems, and coordinated coastal storm surge analyses for 17 Texas counties. He has supported the San Antonio River Authority’s (SARA) CTP program since 2009 for the Risk MAP and LOMR Delegation initiatives. Mr. Chintala has prepared numerous FEMA flood insurance studies, physical map revisions (PMR), single and multiple lot LOMA (MT-1) applications and elevation certificates, over 30 LOMR/CLOMR (MT-2) applications, and the review of more than 100 LOMR/CLOMR applications. Mr. Chintala has participated in several flood risk reduction projects (including ice jam flooding) and sedimentation studies for the USACE, Los Angeles, Seattle, Omaha, Huntington, and Memphis districts. He has prepared hydraulics and scour evaluation reports for many large bridges funded by the FHWA. He was the principal author of the West Virginia Division of Highways Drainage Manual. Mr. Chintala has directed several regional watershed master planning and neighborhood storm drainage design feasibility studies for local municipalities.
Mr. Chintala specializes in stream stabilization design and has advanced training in fluvial geomorphology. He has extensive experience applying geomorphological evaluation methods and natural channel design (NCD) techniques to streambank stabilization and stream rehabilitation/restoration projects in urban environments. He has worked on urban stream stabilization projects in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, Austin, and San Antonio. He was a key member of the team that supported the planning and establishment of SARA’s stream restoration program. His experience spans a variety of fluvial environments across the U.S. including the arid Southwest, Southcentral, Midwestern, and Appalachian states.
Mr. Chintala is skilled in the use of standard and multi-dimensional H&H numerical modeling computer programs. His experience includes DMA2K hazard mitigation planning, low-impact development methods, and USEPA Clean Water Act permitting. Mr. Chintala has taught 3-day short courses in stream bank protection and design, HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling, and assisted in the development of ASTM standards for erosion and sediment control.
Principal Staff
- Martin J. Teal, PE, PH, BC.WRE, F.ASCE
President, San Diego, CA - Ramesh Chintala, PE, CFM, BC.WRE
Vice President, Dallas, TX - Luciana Kindl da Cunha, PhD, PH
Vice President, Folsom, CA - Hans R. Hadley, PE, LG, CFM
Vice President, Salem, OR - Andreas Kammereck, PE
Vice President, Bellevue, WA - David Smith, PE, CFM, BC.WRE
Vice President, San Diego, CA - Brian T. Wahlin, PhD, PE, BC.WRE
Vice President, Tempe, AZ - Ricardo E. Aguirre, PE, BC.WRE, CFM, AP
Director of Land Management and Water Security, Red Rock, AZ - David C. Curtis, PhD, PH, F.EWRI
Senior Technical Advisor, Folsom, CA - David J. Harris, PH
Senior Hydrologist, Folsom, CA - Raymond Walton, PhD, PE, BC.WRE, F.ASCE
Senior Engineer, Bellevue, WA