Raymond Walton
Senior Engineer, Bellevue, WA
Raymond Walton, PhD, PE, BC.WRE, F.ASCE, has over 40 years of experience directing water resources studies throughout the U.S. and abroad. He is a nationally-recognized expert in multi-dimensional modeling of surfacewater, groundwater, and water quality systems. In 2010, he was awarded the WSPE Professional Engineer of the Year award by the Puget Sound Engineering Council.
Dr. Walton developed coupled surface water-groundwater models to simulate wetland hydrology and hydrodynamics and managed the scientific review of a coupled model, ISGW (linking MODFLOW and HSPF) for Tampa Bay Water in Florida. He has conducted river hydraulics, water quality and ecological modeling studies, including water quality modeling on the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest; ecological modeling of the entire Missouri River; the application of FastTABS and SMS; ice and temperature studies of the Platte and Snake Rivers; and salt water intrusion studies in several eastern river estuaries. He has applied CE-QUAL-W2 to reservoirs in West Virginia, Washington, and Oregon; QUAL2E to the Okanogan River in Washington and the Charges River in Boston; and applied MIKE11 to rivers in Florida, Oregon, and California. He has studied erosion and sedimentation for various rivers and coastal areas, including the Elwha River in Washington State, and has evaluated bridge scour potential at numerous sites in Washington and Oregon.
Prior to joining WEST, he worked at the Hydraulics Research Station in the U.K., taught at North Carolina State University, and spent 15 years with nationwide consulting engineering firms. He has written over 50 professional papers in the fields of hydraulics, environmental engineering, groundwater and surface water hydrology, and instructs HEC-RAS nationwide. He has worked with ASCE and ASTM committees on Environmental Software and wetlands monitoring developments, and reviews technical papers for several ASCE journals. Dr. Walton chaired ASCE’s International Water Resources Conference in Seattle in August 1999 and was the Technical Chair for the 2005 ASCE/EWRI conference in Anchorage.
Principal Staff
- Martin J. Teal, PE, PH, BC.WRE, F.ASCE
President, San Diego, CA - Ramesh Chintala, PE, CFM, BC.WRE
Vice President, Dallas, TX - Luciana Kindl da Cunha, PhD, PH
Vice President, Folsom, CA - Hans R. Hadley, PE, LG, CFM
Vice President, Salem, OR - Andreas Kammereck, PE
Vice President, Bellevue, WA - David Smith, PE, CFM, BC.WRE
Vice President, San Diego, CA - Brian T. Wahlin, PhD, PE, BC.WRE
Vice President, Tempe, AZ - Ricardo E. Aguirre, PE, BC.WRE, CFM, AP
Director of Land Management and Water Security, Red Rock, AZ - David C. Curtis, PhD, PH, F.EWRI
Senior Technical Advisor, Folsom, CA - David J. Harris, PH
Senior Hydrologist, Folsom, CA - Raymond Walton, PhD, PE, BC.WRE, F.ASCE
Senior Engineer, Bellevue, WA