Prescott Valley Master Drainage Plan Update (AZ)
WEST is working with the Town of Prescott Valley, Arizona, (Town) to update the 2003 Master Drainage Plan (MDP) by examining existing conditions, identifying flood hazards and areas of concern, developing conceptual-level flood and sediment mitigation solutions, and identifying stormwater recharge solutions. The Town seeks to celebrate water as a natural resource to promote community drought resilience while creating a quality-of-life experience for residents by enhancing the natural landscape.
Proposed improvements will need to be validated for effectiveness and used to plan for capital allocations. Improvements will be designed to be multi-use projects using Town-owned open space lots and rights-of-way to provide both local and regional flood protection and stormwater recharge.
The Town desires that stormwater be used as a resource for long-term water security by infiltrating stormwater where it falls to recharge aquifers. The Town has an established Arizona Department of Water Resources credit program using treated effluent that may be incorporated into future planning and recharge efforts.
WEST has completed modeling for the area using 1D and 2D techniques, the results of which have been used to identify areas of concern that include flooding from pluvial and fluvial sources, erosion, and deposition. WEST is currently developing alternatives with preliminary proposed improvements for these priority areas.