Corps Water Management System (CWMS) for MMC (CO, IA, KS, MO, MT, NE, WA, WY)
WEST Consultants assisted in the provision of fully functional Corps Water Management System (CWMS) model watersheds through the Corps Accelerated Deployment Campaign (ACDC) to enhance the Corps’ capability to make informed operational decisions about reservoirs and water control systems in four basins. These systems expand the availability of advanced information and technology resources for hydrometerological data management, display, and dissemination; watershed runoff forecasting; flood stage prediction; reservoir operation analysis; and flood impact and consequence analysis, typically including HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, HEC-ResSim, and HEC-FIA models as well as data collection and visualization programs. WEST participated in CWMS deployment in the following river basins:
Skagit River Basin, Seattle District
The Scope of Work (SOW) included calibration of HMS and RAS models and CAVI integration of a suite of H&H CWMS models for the Skagit River Basin. WEST finished the development of and calibrated RAS and HMS models that had been provided by the District. The development included using 2D modeling in the RAS model and snowmelt modeling in the HMS Model. WEST also provided documentation and traveled to the District to train their personnel in the use of the suite of models.
Bighorn River Basin, Omaha District
The SOW included development of a suite of H&H CWMS models for the Bighorn River Basin that are incorporated into CWMS CAVI along with documentation and reporting. WEST developed HMS, ResSim, RAS, and FIA models, performed CAVI integration, produced sample inundation maps based on high flow events, completed documentation and a report, addressed review comments at each milestone, and traveled to the District at the completion of the project to train their personnel on how to use the suite of models.
Kansas River & Chariton River Basins, Kansas City District
The SOW included development of an HMS model for part of the Kansas River Basin and integration of the suite of models into CAVI for both basins, along with documentation and reporting. WEST attended a kickoff meeting at the District, developed HMS models, performed CAVI integration, completed documentation and reporting, addressed review comments at each milestone, and traveled to the District at the completion of the project to train Corps’ personnel on how to use the suite of models.

Featured Projects
- Drought Contingency Plans for Corps of Engineers (Nationwide)
- CWMS Modeling of the Bighorn River Basin (MT, WY)
- Corps Water Management System (CWMS) Upper Missouri River Tributaries
- Water Control Manuals for the Corps of Engineers (Nationwide)
- Corps Water Management System (CWMS) for MMC (CO, IA, KS, MO, MT, NE, WA, WY)