
The professionals at WEST Consultants are recognized specialists in water resources engineering, hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, and fluvial geomorphology. WEST routinely provides training courses and offers webinars throughout the United States and abroad to both government agencies and the private sector for these areas of engineering analysis. The most common courses we provide relate to hydraulic and hydrologic computer models—primarily the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center’s (HEC) River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) and Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS). WEST also teaches courses on predicting bed scour for toe protection design for bank stabilization projects; culvert, bridge, and channel restoration design; riprap design; scour and deposition in rivers and reservoirs; and multi-dimensional hydraulic and sediment modeling. WEST can provide a course to meet your organization’s specific needs by working with you to customize the content, duration, location, and cost of any of our courses. Additionally, most of our courses can be taught in both English and Spanish. For more information on training courses, please feel free to contact us via email: or phone: (503) 485-5490

Partial Client List

  • American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Arizona Floodplain Management Association
  • International Erosion Control Association
  • Nevada D.O.T.
  • US Army Corps of Engineers
  • US EPA
  • US Federal Highways Administration
  • US National Park Services
  • Washington State Department of Ecology
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